Friday, 2 August 2013

Australia, WA

The Border Run, Australia, August 2013

George has joined an Australian motorcycle club on their annual Border Run. A 1,000 km drive from Perth to the border of Western Austalia and Southern Australia. George was riding a BMW r1200GS.
The first stop on the way was in Corrigin, where they have a dog cemetery. This unique resting place came about because of the death of Strike, which was Paddy Wrights best mat., when he asked for a place to bury his dog.

Alan Henderson then buried his dog alongside, and built a tombstone. He then cared for other graves sites that followed there after.

George also visited the Pioneer Museum. Here he is in front of a model of a Clysdale horse that helped with the clearing and cropping of the area from the start of 1900.

Here George is photographed with BULLY and RECKLAW, two members of the club. They are standing at a plaque that celebrates “The Holland Track”. Pushed through the bush by John Holland for the gold rush arriving by ship to Albany, then travelling by horses to the goldfields, saving two weeks on their journey.

The rocks are at a campsite called “The Breakaways”. The colours are due to the iron oxides being washed away by rain.

It is called The Breakaways due to the falling overhead ledges. George did not pass the signpost.

George also tried Australia’s longest straight road which is 90 miles long.

Here George is admiring a Kondole, which is the aboriginal name given to the Southern Right Whale off the south Australian coastal waters.

George came all the way to Nullarbor Plain, which has It name from the Latin Nullus and Arbor meaning no trees. The aboriginal name for the plain is Oondiri, which means no water.

George is expecting a little bit of Australian wild life crossing the road for the next 92 km. Apparently the camel will pass first, followed by the kangaroo and then finally the wombat.

HereGeorge has reached the coast,. He hoped he had spotted a Kondole, but it proved to be an Australian Sea Lion.

- Believe it or not, our George has visited 11 of these cities. A fantastic photo!

George checking the map of The Eyre Highway from Ceduna to Eucla.

Ceduna Penang Mundrabilla Cocklebiddy Eucla
George stopped at the Widgiemoolta Roadhouse, which had a map of the coast explaining about the wildlife.

And finally George made it to the Southern Australian SW/ Western Australian WA border

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